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How to Set Up Backups

Create the Backup Set


Set up the rsync client

Configure the rsync client

  • Open the file in a text editor.
  • Set the following fields based on the backup set created in step 1: UserID, RsyncServer, BackupName
  • Edit secret file and set your backup password there.
  • Check your includes.txt and excludes.txt to make sure they include and exclude what you want to backup.

Setting the backup to run automatically

  • Create a cron entry for the root user using the command "crontab -e"
  • Create the following entry: X Y * * * /root/csbackups/ > /dev/null 2>&1
  • Change X to be any number between [0 - 59] This will be the minute that the backup runs
  • Change Y to be any number between [0 - 23] This will be the hour that the backup runs
  • Having a random X and Y insures that backups do not run at the same time for every machine.

Setting the backup to run on demand

  • To run the backup on demand simply run /root/csbackups/ as root

Known Issues

  • Make sure you run the backup script as root. Running it as another user will probably fail.