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Gilbert Street Building Networking


This page have information related to networking in the Gilbert Street building. Specifically information about transitioning your equipment from Knowledgeworks to Gilbert. Due to rarity of IPv4 address space at Virginia Tech, the networking in Gilbert (as with any new building at VT) will be slightly different from our traditional networking. How you configure the networking for you machine will depend on how it will be used:

  • (Private) - No remote access from outside VT to the machine is needed. This will be the simplest to set up.
  • (Internal) - Remote access to the machine is desired, but only needed by Virginia Tech affiliates.
  • (External) - Remote access to the machine is desired, and access from non-VT persons is needed.


This configuration is likely best for office desktop machines, and wired laptop connections.

  • You can simply set your network configuration to DHCP and the connection will be automatically configured for Internet access.
    • You will receive an automatic 172.21.222.* address. These addresses are not routable to the Internet, and will not provide remote access from outside of VT.
    • The machine will be accessible from other machines on the VT network, and from users connected to VT VPN.
  • Remote access is achievable through a statically assigned IPv6 address assigned by Techstaff.
    • Remote access would only be accessible from IPv6 enabled users.
  • For transitioning your machine from Knowledgeworks to Gilbert:
    • You can switch your network to DHCP ahead of the move and still have Internet access in Knowledgeworks. The machine will automatically re-configure itself in Gilbert.
    • A static IPv6 address would have to be configured after the machine is moved to Gilbert. Please notify Techstaff ahead of the move if you want to do this.


This configuration is suitable for a desktop machines and servers that need remote access only from someone associated with Virginia Tech.

  • Techstaff will assign your machine a static 172.21.222.* address that you configure manually.
  • A <hostname> hostname is required and will be assigned to the static IP.
