SSH Alternative Port
Setting up an Alternative port for SSH
Virginia Tech campus blocks certain ports at the network border to the rest of the internet.
Besides using a different port for SSH, you could also do one of the following:
Use the VT VPN. Most VT's users have VPN access if they have set it up.
If the server is well established (more than just a lab server or desktop) you can request a port 22 exception from Virginia Tech. In order to do that contact
Setup Alternative SSH Port
We recommend adding an additional port vs replacing another port for 22. In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config modify the following line:
#Port 22
with this:
Port 22 Port 2222
Then Restart the sshd service:
sudo service sshd restart
Open the ports on your firewall
sudo ufw limit 22 sudo ufw limit 2222 sudo ufw enable #if you have not already done so# sudo ufw status #verify the changes#
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=22/tcp --permanent #May not be needed# sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=2222/tcp --permanent sudo service firewalld reload